This is the index of available APIs.
Click on an API below to learn more and view subscription options. Or find information about Web of Science, Cortellis, or Derwent Innovation APIs by clicking on the appropriate links. Note: The approval process may take a few days.
This API allows you to create and update information within an EndNote library.
InCites Benchmarking & Analytics™ is a citation-based evaluation tool for academic and government administrators to analyze institutional productivity and benchmark output against peers and aspirational peers in a national or international context. This API provides article-level metrics to support integration in Research Management Systems or Current Research Information Systems (CRIS).
The Web of Science™ API Expanded API supports rich searching across the Web of Science to retrieve full item-level metadata, including times cited counts, contributor addresses/affiliations and funding data. Additional operations support the ability to discover related records as well as cited references and citing items.
Support search and data integration using Web of Science data returned as JSON or XML. Note, this API has been replaced by the Web of Science Starter API.
Publons Reviewer Connect is a full-stack solution to find, screen, and contact expert peer reviewers. This API helps you integrate Publons Reviewer Connect with your editorial or grant management system.
This API helps you harvest usage statistics from the Web of Science platform via the NISO SUSHI protocol in accordance with the COUNTER R5 Code of Practice.
This Read API allows applications to read data from Converis in order to use it in other systems. The URL needs to be adapted to the Converis instance's specific domain.
The MetaBase API provides you access to MetaBaseā¢ which is the knowledge base behind all Systems Biology products of Clarivate.
MetaBase API Lite provides Search-and-Browse access to the contents of MetaBaseā¢ , the most comprehensive manually curated database of mammalian biology data available today in both industry and academia.
Web of Science Reviewer Locator is a full-stack solution to find, screen, and contact expert peer reviewers. This API helps you integrate Web of Science Reviewer Locator with your editorial or grant management system.
This API provides journal-level metadata and metrics for all journals in the Journal Citation Reports™ covered in the Web of Science Core Collection, including the Journal Impact Factor™ and other new metrics. Integrate journal data into your internal systems or retrieve journal indicators for bibliometrics studies.
This API provides consolidated access to normalized and linked IP Group data including trademarks, patents, designs, case law.
The Web of Science™ Starter API allows for a real-time check of bibliographic metadata such as DOI, author, source title, etc., against the Web of Science Core Collection and other Web of Science Product Databases. This enables building article-level links to the Web of Science from external systems and retrieving times-cited counts from the Web of Science.
This API provides consolidated access to download as data feeds various Clarivate content sets from multiple domains.
This graphQL API provides a single access point to query various Clarivate content sets from multiple domains.
The Web of Science™ Researcher API enables users to query and harvest data from Web of Science author records.
This API provides a pathway to seek prediction from Clarivate models by passing feature values through API call. The models and data are always current and always available.
This section details information on the Cortellis API collection, its diverse content sets and analytical capabilities An API can be seen as a toolbox of building blocks that allows data integration implementation.Programming phases are required before being able to query and access the data.Contact us for more information about the Cortellis APIs and how to get an API subscription.
It consolidates five additional APIs: AuditInfoWs, Cache Management API, PentahoParamTokenScheduler API, Components Version API, and Data Integration Process as a Web Service API.
The CUD API facilitates Create, Update, and Delete operations on data entities within the converis, enabling clients to add, modify, and remove records programmatically. The URL needs to be adapted to the Converis instance's specific domain.
Legacy API provides programmatic means to read public content of Converis. The URL needs to be adapted to the Converis instance's specific domain.
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