Web of Science SUSHI API

This API helps you harvest usage statistics from the Web of Science platform via the NISO SUSHI protocol in accordance with the COUNTER R5 Code of Practice.

API Settings


The Web of Science SUSHI API is designed specifically for site administrators who need to pull COUNTER compliant usage reports for their organization. The COUNTER release 5 Code of Practice (https://www.projectcounter.org/code-of-practice-five-sections/abstract/) mandates all content providers to release a RESTful SUSHI API (https://www.projectcounter.org/code-of-practice-five-sections/8-sushi-automated-report-harvesting). The technical specs for SUSHI can be found at https://app.swaggerhub.com/apis/COUNTER/counter-sushi_5_0_api/1.0.0.

The Web of Science SUSHI API will be granted by approval only for site usage administrators. The API will help usage administrators gather their Web of Science usage statistics in COUNTER format, and use any client system to input the data directly into their management systems. The API will have a 3 factor authentication method (Key, Requestor ID, and Customer ID). Requestors of the API must use their institution/organization email address for approval.No generic email addresses will be accepted.

The SUSHI API can also be requested by Clarivate approved third party partners on behalf of a subscribing organizations. Please specify which third party system you will use with SUSHI in the description field of your API request.


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