Developer Portal FAQ

Clarivate API Portal FAQ

  1. What is the Clarivate Developer Portal?
    1. The Clarivate Developer Portal ( is a website that contains information on our different APIs (Application Programming Interface). Individuals and developers wishing to use any of the Clarivate APIs for their institutional work can request access to our APIs through the portal.
    2. Information about all APIs from the different business units of Clarivate (Scientific and Academic Research, Life Sciences, and Intellectual Property) is made available through this portal.
  2. How does the Developer Portal work?
    1. Individuals and organizations can sign into the portal using their Clarivate product credentials. Products includeCortellis, Derwent Innovation, Developer Portal, Drug Research Advisor, EndNote online,Incites, Key Pathway Advisor, ResearcherID, andWeb of Science. If you do not have product credentials, you will need to create a login for the portal.
      Note: you are strongly encouraged to use your institutional e-mail address for the portal (Anonymous e-mail addresses, e.g., Gmail, Yahoo, etc., may have their requests rejected).
    2. Once logged in, users interested in accessing one of our APIs can register their application on the Developer Portal.
    3. Then, the user will need to subscribe to the appropriate API(s) from the list of available APIs for the registered application.
    4. Once the application is registered and the requested API is subscribed to, Clarivate will review the request, and (if approved) send an e-mail with the necessary information to the developer for their registered application.
    5. For APIs not hosted on the portal (but featured), there may be different approval processes.

Web of Science API Portal FAQ

  1. What are the threeWeb of Science APIs?
    Note: The information below is for the legacy (SOAP-based) APIs.
    1. Links AMR
      1. The Links Article Match Retrieval Service (AMR) allows for a real-time lookup of bibliographic metadata such as DOI, author, source title, etc., against theWeb of Science Core Collection. This enables building article level links to theWeb of Science from external systems and retrieving Times Cited counts from theWeb of Science.
    2. Web of Science API Lite
      1. This API supports rich searching across theWeb of Science Core Collection and retrieving core article level metadata. Reuse this data in your public facing applications, including institutional repositories and research networking systems.
    3. Web of Science API Expanded
      1. Everything in Lite plus additional databases (based on your subscription) and metadata, such as author addresses and author affiliations.
  2. What are some use cases for the APIs?
    The use of APIs will depend on your agreement with us, and questions around specific uses(internal systems, academic projects, etc.) should be directed to Customer Care via our Support Site: However, the following are some common use cases.
    1. Populating an institutional repository (IR) with data from theWeb of Science.
      1. Through use of APIs,Web of Science Core Collection subscribing institutions may retrieve publication information for papers published by that institution's authors. This can assist with deposit workflows and/or support Open Access compliance.
    2. Populating a Research Management (or CRIS) system with data fromWeb of Science.
      1. Publication data is a key component of research management, or CRIS, systems. UseWeb of Science Core Collection data as part of your systems. Clarivate providesConveris as a research management tool and partners with several other vendors to facilitate exchanging data across systems. To find out if your local system partners with Clarivate, please contact your account manager.
    3. Populating a VIVO instance with data fromWeb of Science.
      1. Web of Science Core Collection data can be used with VIVO. Use the API to retrieve publications for your researchers. The rich metadata allows for building connections across researchers.  Clarivate provides VIVO services, including consultation and services for integrating Web of Science data, using VIVO as a public research portal, and planning and carrying out end-to-end implementation. For more information please fill out the form at

Incites API Portal FAQ

  1. What is the  Incites API?
    1. Incites is a citation-based evaluation tool for academic and government administrators to analyze institutional productivity and benchmark output against peers and aspirational peers in a national or international context. TheIncites API provides article level metrics to support integration in Research Management Systems or Current Research Information Systems (CRIS).
    2. Are there any costs associated with using theIncites API?
      1. Please contact your institution's library for more information on pricing. Please note: All requests forIncites API require further evaluation of the proposed use case.